London based Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia London based Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia
London based Abstract Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia London based Abstract Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia​
London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​ London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​
Raising awareness and money through the “London in Different Dimensions” art exhibition.
When Kerry was planning her first solo exhibition in central London, she had in mind to use the opportunity to raise funds for a charity in which she believed supported causes important to her. The opportunity presented itself naturally.
Through her solo art exhibition, which was hosted by the Salvation Army in their International Headquarters Gallery 101 exhibition space, she aimed to generate greater awareness and money through the love of art and belief in two key causes she has chosen to focus her fundraising upon, “Homelessness” and “Modern Slavery”. She set up a page on Just Giving to collect donations independent from sales. Anyone who participated became entitled to 20% off her original art for sale for a year.
In total Kerry raised £1,207.50. £540 and £127.50 in gift aid via Kerry's Just Giving page and £540 was kindly matched by Telereal Trillium.